Mike and Sandie's House Part 1: The Land

In August, I took my first Road Trip of the year. I drove up to Mike and Sandie's house in Ozark, Alabama. They bought a big, beautiful farm house on a 23 acre peanut farm. It took my breath away! Their house is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! You can describe it, you can show pictures of it, but until you actually see it with your own eyes, you can't imagine just how beautiful the house and the land is. I spent 2 days there, but it certainly wasn't enough. I could've spent a week there, but I had to get on to Indiana by Saturday. It was so quiet at night and dark...I mean, dark. Not midnight in the city dark with the lights all over, no, D-A-R-K. You could see the stars as if you were standing right next to them. It actually feels like you could fall off the face of the Earth if you stop paying attention to Gravity. And the quiet...it's like the whole world goes to sleep with the sun. I actually felt like I had left my body that first night when I laid down in that VERY comfortable bed. It was heavenly how quiet it is there. We all had a very nice visit. Mike joked about how there was nothing to do up there, but their company was all the entertainment I needed. Especially the next day when it was the Margie and Sandie Kitchen Hour. Ask Mike about it sometime...he'll tell you what I'm talking about!
OK. So I tried formatting this post to have descriptions under the photos, but I couldn't get it to work. The photos from top to bottom are: The birdhouse Mom gave Sandie as a Bridal Shower gift (1), the land right around the house (2, 3), one of the old barns (4), the peanut field (5, 6, 7, 8), the wild watermelons growing in the peanut field (9, 10), Mike in the field with Margie's jeep, our Touring Jeep (11), another old barn (12), an old wagon wheel (13), the field to the left of the house (if you are looking at the front of the house) (14), wild pumpkins growing in the field close to the 2nd barn (15 , 16), one of the cats, I think this one is Cinnamon (17), the path parallel to the road in front of Mike's house, the path takes you down to the pond (18), the field in between the pumpkin field and the pond (19, 20, 21, 22, 23), and last, but not least, the pond (24). The water level of the pond was low due to the drought, but you could still see how beautiful and peaceful it is. You can see why Mike would take Bella down there to fish. Mike would fish, not Bella.
I want to have land and barns and a home.....lets do that together! HE HE HE
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