Mike The Mower
Mike mowed the lawn while I was there. Now, most of you think of mowing the lawn as a Saturday morning chore to get up and do before it gets too hot. OK, if you live in Florida that's what you're thinking. But not Mike. No, not my Brother. To Mike, mowing the lawn is a process, a multi-day process. If you weren't paying attention before to my first Post about Mike's house, he lives on 23 acres. 23 a-c-r-e-s. That's a lot of grass to mow. So Mike does it in chunks. Not all of the 23 acres is cleared, but he still has quite a bit that is cleared that needs to be maintained so the Wilderness doesn't come creeping back in. The day I was there, he mowed the part of the lawn that, if you are looking at the front of the house, is to the left, by where the pumpkins are growing. It took him quite a while to get just that done. Now, you may be wondering why he's all bundled up in Alabama in August. One word: bugs. He's got to cover up so he doesn't get bitten up. He was one sweaty guy when he was done with just that part. So next time you are laying in bed, procrastinating about mowing the lawn, be grateful you can get yours done in one morning, and maybe only an hour of that morning. :) I know I am.
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