Brandy's Circus
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
April's Wedding Shower

Carolyn and I co-hosted a Wedding Shower for April. We invited the Ladies From Work over to my house for a Luau-Style Shower. I had to keep my 3 kids Behind Bars for their protection...and the protection of my guests. We had lots of food (I think the bean comments have died down by now...) and April got lots of nice presents. Kynsley was a little angel at my house but Daddy Scott came along just in case she got too fussy. I finally got to meet Tristen, Tonia's little boy and he is adorable! He is a little ball of energy and we had so much fun playing with him. At the end when Scott was loading up the car to go home, I had Isis on my shoulder and April was holding Kynsley. We put Isis and Kynsley together and, as you can see in the pictures, Isis was curious about Kynsley and Kynsley was just all giggles for Isis. I told April that Dachshunds were German dogs and when they got to Germany, they might just have to get one for Kynsley...
Lunch With April and Kynsley To Discuss Wedding Plans

I had lunch with April and Kynsley back in May to discuss plans for April's Wedding. Since she and Scott are moving to Germany, I didn't want to bog them down with a Wedding Gift that they would have to move halfway across the world or have to put in storage. So my wedding gift to them was the food for the Reception. I was going to help April with the food for her Wedding Reception. We went to Bear Rock cafe to discuss what we wanted to serve April's Wedding Guests. The food at Bear Rock was delicious and Little Miss Kynsley was an absolute angel. This was the first time I had been able to spend time with Kynsley without 10 other people around so it was a very enjoyable afternoon. Plus I got April all to myself, too! Kynsley actually fell asleep in my arms! She was starting to get a little fussy because she was sleepy. April let me hold her and as I held and rocked her, she fell asleep! She looked so peaceful while she was asleep. Just the perfect little angel! April didn't want any pictures taken of her that day so that's why these pictures are all of Kynsley.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Picnic at Dee and Allen's House
After we all checked out at the Tradewinds, we headed over to Allen's Parents' House for a Post Wedding Picnic. Gina took the Bobby Pins out of Belinda's Hair because poor Belinda didn't know where to start! There must've been half a box in there! Belinda and Allen also opened their Wedding Gifts (while I slept...funny how I wanted to stay to watch Belinda open her Gifts but just couldn't keep my eyes open! It was just such a Crazy Sleepless Weekend!) while the family was there. I heard they got a lot of really Nice Stuff. :) Mike and Sandie were able to look at the Pictures I had taken at Their Wedding. It was nice to spend more time with Mike and Sandie. Belinda and Allen decided not to save the whole Top of their Wedding Cake so after most of the Family had left, since Belinda and Allen didn't get any Cake at their Wedding but the pieces they fed to eat other at the Cutting, Belinda cut into the Wedding Cake Top. We all had a little piece of Cake (even Bella got some!) and then I had to head home. It was such a nice afternoon, but I had to get back to Central Florida and back to my normal life. But what a Wonderful Weekend to take a Vacation from Everyday Life and live a Fantasy Weekend on the Beach! Thank you, Belinda and Allen, for a Wonderful Weekend!

The Morning After-Breakfast With The Family
The next morning, we met the rest of the Family on the Patio where Belinda and Allen had just gotten Married the Day Before. Belinda still had her hair up and it looked just as good! The Arbor still had to be taken down and loaded into Allen's truck. It was fun watching everyone take a hand at it. We had a delicious breakfast at Bermudas, courtesy of Hap, who likes to beat everyone to the check. He's a quick one, that Hap! It was nice to spend that last morning with the Family and the Bride and Groom at the Tradewinds.